Wacom loading animation re-design
As part of the last assignment for my bachelor's thesis I re-designed the loading process for Wacom drawing tablets. By using design methods to reduce the perceived waiting time a few illustrations were created. These were then animated and added to a new, more effective loading process. The art style and the illlustrations themselfs are an omagé to the unlimited possibilities Wacom drawing tablets enables.  

Since the project were displayed on physical "hangings" a couple of posters were created. The real product can be seen below.

The project was part of Malmö Universitys Exhibition at STPLN, Stapelbäddsgatan 3 Västra hamnen Malmö 3/6-12/6-22. 

Here you can check for yourself which loading process feels the fastest. To the left the original process is being displayed. To the right the new re-design process is shown. The new process starts when the originial process ends.
Above is the complete redesigned installation process, enjoy!

Here are some mockups of the posters that were created for the physical exhibition
Mockups retrivied from Freepik: 
http://www.freepik.com Designed by BiZkettE1
https://www.freepik.com/psd/a5-mockup A5 mockup psd created by mockupguy2

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